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Sep 26 11

New York Pegleg

by Nicola Scevola

“Uscire dai percorsi più battuti perdendosi nei meandri di New York è uno dei modi per sentirsi meno turisti. Ma farlo seguendo un percorso alla scoperta di segreti e racconti insoliti sulla città, dà ancora più soddisfazione.” Read the article

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Sep 26 11

The Huffington post – New York: The Pegleg: A Guidebook That’s Actually A Treasure Hunt

“[…] In an effort to determine whether treasure hunt-style guidebooks might become a fad, HuffPost Travel editors Paul Brady and Andrew Burmon took to the streets and tried to uncover the secrets of the pegleg.” Read the article online

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Sep 26 11 – The Pegleg Givewaway

by Karen Day

“Anyone who grew up reading the Choose Your Own Adventure book series will delight in Italian publisher WHAIWHAI’s take on interactive storytelling.” Read the article.

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Sep 26 11

New York Times – A scavenger hunt by smartphone

by Joshua Brustein

“[…] The app is an entertaining addition to the Manhattan walking tour and an example of an increasingly popular concept in the technology world called gamification.” Read the article.

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Aug 30 11

WIRED – Tales of the city

by Alice Gregory

“[…] WIRED caught up with Levitch to discuss New York’s forgotten past and the art of turning up a guidebook to a game.”

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