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Feb 04 10

Il Gazzettino — Carnivalia, a text message to know the city

by Paolo Navarro Dina

“And to guide us will be nothing less than that Giacomo Casanova […]”

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Dec 09 09

La Repubblica — City discovery with a text message game

by Marilena Malinverni

“You can start playing whenever you want, New Year’s Eve also […]”


Sep 24 09

Il Sole 24 ore / Nòva — Telling the city is a game for all

for Cotec-Nòva24, interview to Tomas Barazza

“The balance between story and game can generate fascinating products: an idea that we share with Marsilio (RCS group) […]”


Jul 11 09

La Repubblica delle Donne — Urban games

by Marilena Malinverni

“[…]a new series of game – guide to know city’s secrets”


Jul 09 09

Corriere del Veneto — Discovery of Veneto’s cities. A guide? A cell phone

by Federica Baretti

” As a virtual novel whic you are protagonist, the story unfolds in a web of spells, unexpected twists and discoveries […]”


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