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Nov 17 08

National Geographic / Traveler — A Roman treasure hunt

by Janelle Nanos

“Want a way to explore Rome that’s part Harry Potter, part Da Vinci Code? Then check out the new scavenger hunt cum guidebook, called The Ruyi.”

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Oct 19 08

The Sunday Times — A mystery tour of Rome

by Paul Croughton
“[…]The book is part of The Ruyi, an ingenious game that aims to take you on a tour of the backstreets of select European cities while telling you a little of the history and the myths they contain.”

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Sep 19 08

Panorama / First — From Rome to the world

by Laura Barsottini

“Built like a treasure hunt, an unusual interactive guide brings the tourists to the discovery of Rome. Is a new way to visit the city? […]”

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Aug 21 08

TIME — Italian Magical Mystery Tour by Rachel Spence

by Rachel Spence

“[…] The Ruyi, a series of guidebooks that turn visits to Italian cities into intriguing treasure hunts.”

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